Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Super Mario Bros NES Unused Game Over Variation Plays Everywhere Game Genie Code!

Today we're going to dunk for the coins.. the gold coins! Because it is time for another interesting Super Mario Bros. exploration writeup!

The music is one of the most memorable videogame soundtracks and for good reason. However, most of us are unaware that a variation of the game over theme, even as most of we threw our controllers at the tv in frustration when losing our last life to fire Bowser's hammers at the last world so either we either have repressed memories of the jingle or were so angry screaming at the game enough to notice. But, I digress-it is still just as memorable as the game itself.

 After wanting to do this for a very long time, I finally got around to looking into this unused variation of the Game Over theme in Super Mario Bros that Kode54 originally found years prior when ripping the NSF. Turns out it is really interesting and surprising that the instrument definitions were left intact by Nintendo when they developed the game because the game was programmed so tightly and compact in order to fit it onto the ROM chip.


Original posting:

Super Mario Bros. (W) [!].nes (covers all versions and revisions) Play unused Game Over variation everywhere (originally found by @Kode54 in the NSF rip track 12 but converted to work on hardware by nensondubois) 
If you modify 12 to a different value you can play any song in the game, some of which are invalid data being read off as actual song data (missing, invalid events, wrong channel pointers and segments, and or looping information.) The unused Game Over theme is a complete song information for this unused variation.

The unused variation is present in all variations of the game and the code may need to be ported to each version, mostly multicart releases. The codes were tested on the standalone worldwide release but should work with most releases of the game.

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