Friday, May 17, 2019

First new game pickups! 5-17-2019 (SFC Memory, Namco Museum Gamecube, Castlevania 3 NES, Just Breed Famicom

My first real entry covering videogame related pickups! I will be doing this most of the time but not always.

I also picked up a DVD complete trilogy of the Bourne Supremacy for only 2.00!

Castlevania 3 did cost 22 but I probably could have gotten it for 19.99 but I didn't offer that low. The other games were relatively lower but overall I believe it was a fair deal considering what I got for the price.

Namco Museum does have audio issues but the disc doesn't appear scratched which could cause errors with reading files but that would be a very slim chance of occuring. My Gamecube might be faulty.

Just Breed is a fairly obscure Japanese RPG developed by Square and it uses the MMC5 memory mapper for an additional set of two square waves and a PCM channel as well as twice the character and attribute display making it look reminiscent of an early SNES title.

The SFC Memory cartridge has Heisei Shin Onigashima written to it which is a very large game encompassing most of the flash memory.

All in all I hope to do more collection posts showcasing my newest arrivals.

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